Monday, September 6, 2010

Lets Nukem all on the Border

And with that incredibly unpolitically correct title begins the newest article on the return of Duke Nukem from the guys who brought us BORDERlands (and no, nukes are not ok children). But yes folks after 14 years Duke Nukem Forever the second most ironically named game in history has a set in stone release date. Last year when 3D Realms (the original developer) closed their doors most people assumed Duke had finally been nuked for good. But no! Turns out Gearbox software, the brilliant studio behind Borderlands, took over the game and it is set to release either late this year or early next! Now even if this game is terrible, even if it is wretched, foul, and even if it is the most offensive and slanderous name to the entire video game industry it will be one of the best selling titles ever! And do you know why? Cause the game has been in development for fourteen FRICKIN YEARS! It's the sequel to a beloved PC classic and with one of the most storied and legendary development cycles in history you can be sure most gamers will go buy it simply for owning a piece of gaming history. Plus, when a game's health bar is labeled "Ego" you know its got style.
