Saturday, May 22, 2010

Games can't look as good as Avatar

So while I was surfing today (yes on the first day of my blog) I saw a post that announced Killzone 3 and said it was going to be in 3-D. The way it was said made it sound as if the 3-D is gonna be the big game changer for the ps3 now. They failed to mention however, that for the price of the 3-D t.v that would be needed to play it you could by a F-150 truck and have about 500 bucks left over. Now when you go to see Avatar, its 15 bucks for the ticket and glasses. I'm sure everyone saw Avatar and thought "dang that there is the future of movies". Even Avatar the game had 3-D effects (It's obviously James Cameron's way of saying "Look what I can do!"). However, I'm guessing less than 1% of Americans even own a 3-D tv. So when everyone's salavating over the effects at E3, the fact that practically no one will get to experience it themselves is cleverly hidden. 3-D may be the future of movies, but until prices go down, it is not the future of games. (P.S Hi Rachel)



  1. Hi...Smith..or whatever your name is..That is very unique. I have a little branch thing of my family named that..They are normal..hehe...cuz i think another person named "Jewel" is there with she can tell you about my family.. But 3-d things..I dont think I have ever actually seen anything in 3-d that i recall. Idk why. And a 3-d tv would be great to have..but i highly doubt my parents would like to buy one....

  2. hey..yall cheated...drgo stands for doctors for responsible gun ownership..i just looked it up

  3. Nevermind..i typed it in doesnt stand for anything at all...

  4. Hello Rachel, by the way voting on both choices on the poll doesn't mean you got it right :)


  5. I already replied to this through texting but i have decided to officially type it...
    Um...yes answering both of the answers definitely makes one of them right..And besides I have already told you the thing does not even stand for both answers are correct..haha..
    And what if the wrong answer person wasn't even me??? It might have been but you never know...haha..

  6. Really? Well I think answering both answers is a cop out for not choosing one, and it does stand for something and it isn't doctors for responsible gun ownership :) either way, thanks my only reader thus far


  7. haha..ya i typed it into google wrong..but i will have to try again..i will go find out..i still think you made it up.. is so not a cop out.. yep..i think i am your only reader.. oh well...i will be back in a moment to tell you the meaning of some letters that do not mean anything!! hehe

  8. Alright...I have given up...I really do not think that this stands for anything...I also think that now is the time where you tell me what it really does stand for...

  9. Oh that would ruin the whole idea of the poll wouldn't it? I can't just give you the answer, that's too boring


  10. Ugh... I knew that you would say something like that...But you so should give me the answer..Because I still do not think that there is an answer....

  11. There is heck I technically have given it to you, you just haven't chosen yet, well you chose both but thats a cop-out


  12. That is so not a copout..your wrong..your answers were i chose both of them...but i did find another answer for greiner research observatory....

  13. Wrong it has nothing to do with doctors, guns, or observatories


  14. haha.. well that is what google seemed to tell me...i think you made it is not to found anywhere on the internet besides right here....
