Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Virus of Space Marines

I have been playing through Red Dead Redemption lately (review to come later) and the character of John Marston got me thinking that there just aren't that many truly interesting characters in games these days. John Marston is the antithesis of uninteresting. He is complex and his motives are sound, and his views on certain issues and ideas come out through the dialogue Rockstar wrote so well. But for the majority of games these days, how many can truly claim to have a truly interesting character who isn't simply a hardened marine or the cliched "everyman" who gets caught up in something bigger than him? With such games as Gears of War, Prince of Persia (the 2008 release) and Killzone 2, you get either the wise cracking everyman or the marine who wants to kill a whole lot of aliens or people or whatever. Call it lazy on the developers part. Personally, I think that the whole thing behind the space marine epidemic is that developers don't want you to care about the characters sometimes, instead wanting you to focus on the situation the characters are in or on how much crap they can blow up. With the everyman, I see it as a way for developers to make a character relatable to the audience. But sometimes we don't need to relate to a character, sometimes we want to see what THEY think, what THEY want, and how THEY are different from us. The characters of Mass Effect or Heavy Rain really show us how character progression is done right. Those to games had me caring about those characters too the point of thinking about them even when I wasn't playing the game. That's the sign of a good game and, the sign of a good character. I'm having a top ten list of my favorite characters go up soon and be sure to comment on the issue in the comments below. (Speaking of comments, thanks Jessepe)



  1. Ok...well I will say this again as I do every time you post..That did not make sense at all. It sounded rather fancy as well..So that is all I have to say..
    Oh and fyi....Kara and Smith do not sound good together..

  2. I really like that post actually. It's very true.

  3. You should also post something like LINKS to other BLOGS :)

  4. That post made no sense....
    And yes you should...MINE should be on there as well...hehe

  5. actually never mind this is the first thing that ive actually agreed with you on but you still cant dismiss your biased opinions and thoughts

  6. Hi Jorge and Jessepe!!! Some of you people have interesting names...Smith, Jorge, Jessepe....hehe.. My name is Kara

  7. miranda sucks but thane is pretty cool but no where near the top ten hes just a character; sort of like dave whoever he is

  8. you should give us a voting poll or something for our fav. character with a lot of different choices.

  9. Hi Anonymous!!!! Are you the same anonymous person from yesterday??? My name is still Kara and now there is also Jorge, Jessepe, Jewel, Jacquie, and Smith. haha..all of Smith's reader's names start with J. Except for mine..Does your name start with J? That would be really cool if it did..Then I might change my name..hehe..

  10. I agree. Why don't you let us vote?

  11. See Jorge and Smith? So maybe you do agree on some things. So why don't you guys quit trashing each other like you did on the first post? We can all be friendly debaters.... :) (yes, I am trying to keep peace)


  13. We are all american citizens here...jorge ;)
    At least I hope so

  14. Smith is da man!!!!!!!

  15. Hi... I am Kara and I have a question for Jorge and Jessepe...do you think that Kara and Smith have a nice ring to it? They do not just so you know..hehe...

  16. Nope not a chance haha

  17. Good post. Games are more fun if you like a character or a minor character...in Portal I love the robot lady who's like "We have cake!!" lol the cake is a lie!! good post!!

  18. actually it sounds pretty wierd
