Thursday, May 27, 2010

Remedy's Thriller Masterpiece Delivers One Heck Of a Ride

When I first sat down to play Alan Wake I didn't really know what to expect. Was I going to be playing an action game with horror elements, or a plot heavy thriller filled with scares? The game falls somewhere between the two, but is exhilarating nonetheless. The brilliance of Alan Wake is in its pacing and the way it presents its expertly crafted story to you. The game is set up episodically, and it really does feel like you are playing a serialized tv show at some points. The pacing always keeps you on your toes, and it is an insanely hard game to put down once you start playing. The story is the thing that keeps the pacing up and, in a word, it is an incredibly intriguing yarn. Mysteries are answered and always present new questions, and the ending is something people will be debating for a long time. Remedy has promised a slew of downloadable content and I, for one, will be right there to see what the future holds for Alan Wake. Even with all this emphasis on story, gameplay does not fall by the wayside, and it is actually where most of the scares in this thriller jump out. Alan always carries a flashlight and either a revolver or some type of two handed weapon, and using the flashlight as your aiming reticle was a smart move that fits the game perfectly. Most enemies must be weakened by light before being taken out with the guns, and you can focus the beam of the flashlight, but it drains the batteries quickly, requiring you to change batteries often. You really need to manage your batteries and ammo, which is an obvious way in which the game was influenced by the survival horror genre. The game provides some heart pounding moments when you are whittling down an enemies defenses as they bear down on you with an axe, and when you are hit from behind by an enemy you didn't see, it will make you jump. Sometimes the game varies up the combat a bit, giving you a flare gun and flashbangs that act like small vessels of death against your light-shunning enemies, or throwing poltergeist objects at you that can only be hurt by the hard stare of your flashlight. Alan Wake is six episodes long, and it will take between 8 and 12 hours to beat depending on difficulty. It provides some excellent set pieces along the way, including driving down back woods roads and a scene slightly reminiscent of Left 4 Dead 2 (you'll know when you get there). Alan Wake is also no slouch technically, as it is one of the best looking games on the 360, with some of the best lighting and layered weather effects I've ever seen. Overall Alan Wake is a tense ride that is only tempered by it's somewhat short length.
Final Score 9.0 out of 10



  1. Man I really wish I could get this game.. now I want it even more :(

  2. Woo hoo!!! That still didn't make sense...But thank you at least was in English!It made a lot more sense than your posts normally do, and now guess what..jessepe there wants it maybe you should keep talking in english... It still sounded rather confusing..along with the rest of your posts....

  3. sounds pretty queer to me

  4. sounds pretty stupid

  5. Oh quit being a queer jorge

  6. Are you ever gonna review some bad games?

  7. yeah maybe he'll review mass effect 2 or halo 3

  8. biggest pieces of crap to ever disgrace this universe

  9. then theres halo reach which is ever worse :)

  10. just absolutely awful :(

  11. absolute pitiful excuse for entertainment id rather hit something with a stick :(

  12. Hey Jorge...are you that guy on gt who is constantly ranting about halo? Because if you are I thought I'd let you know...YOU'VE BEEN BANNED!

  13. Sounds like a cool game of course I have trouble getting through Bioshock because I'm so freaked out!! ha

  14. Bioshock isn't that scary after they stop playing dead and after you get drilled the first five times.


  15. My my. This sounds very interesting!!! Sounds like something that would scare the pee outa me! Cause I'm a WIMP!!!

  16. Oh Jewel yes you are...well most of the time


  17. Bioshock is scary thank you very much!! Normally you can hear the dead zombie like people before you get to them because they talk well...ramble. But sometimes they don't and I dropped the controller one time it scared me so much!!

  18. Well I am here to say that me and you Jewel will have to get together sometime and play a game that does not scare the pee out of us...hehe..because i am sure i am too much of a wimp for that game as well..hehe..

  19. well the sad thing is....i kinda like playing games like that sometimes haha i'm such a nerd!! I used to play World of Warcraft with my dad

  20. haha..thats totally fine..hehe..they would probably scare the heck out of me..but oh well..i am a frady (or however you spell it) cat..haha

  21. if you reallly like scary go play DEAD SPACE

  22. youll never come out the same me i know it scarred me for life :0

  23. you can ask smith for backup too i know how he feels about it

  24. why would you want to play a game that scares you to death haha then you wouldn't be alive to play more games...i make a good point :P

  25. you need to get a good scare every now and then lol :P

  26. I like scary games I agree with jorge, dead space was an awesome game, but you'll never ever come out the same.

  27. not saying I don't enjoy scary games just I have a hard time getting through them ha and for the record I'm not a total wimp I like scary movies and stuff! :P

  28. Mike Pachter.......

  29. trust me... it wasnt easy to get through dead space lol

  30. Dead Space is the scariest game ever made. After a Behemoth Necromorph rips you in half you will never be the same. Oh and Hammond's death will scar you even more...


  31. why on earth do you put yourself through all of this? lol well...i'm a hypocrit why do I watch movies like disturbia, pet cemmetary, and soon hopefully nightmare on elm street ha oh well. I'll have to try some of these games ya'll are talking about

  32. ever single time you die its a new, unique death sequence every time you die lol

  33. Dead Space is what he's talking about

