Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wow the first non-game post

Yes, this is my first non-game post. Then again I've only had two posts so this isn't exactly the Cubs winning the world series here. But I do have to comment on what I watched last night. I, for the first and last time, watched twilight. Yes indeed, and to anyone who says the sparkly immortal gods in there are vampires I say go read flippin Dracula where it all started. I mean I'm sure the director thought she made a good movie (although I've heard she was fired immediately after the film was released) but I for one, found no redeeming quality in it. No plot even entered the movie for at least an hour and a half! Kristen Stewart looked like she was on drugs and both her and Pattinson mumbled all of their lines. Heck Mass Effect is wayyyy better written then "The biggest romance epic since Titanic" ('s words definitely not mine). Now my rant is off, and I promise to talk about something relevant in my next post.



  1. Titanic was better. Much better...

  2. I have never seen twilight but i have titanic..and it was good..and guess what?? i cried...hehe..big surprise..

  3. You're very lucky you haven't seen it Ms. Kara, even you wouldn't cry.


  4. It was that awful. It sucked. Too much wire work. Someone gets smacked and they go flying. It was kinda funny really. Kristen Stewart - what else is there to say? Hangover, wasted, high... The list goes on. And Pattinson looked demented. Ok. I'm done ranting now...

  5. haha...ok..well that would be an accomplishment if I didn't cry...hehe..i read on the front of a people magazine or one of those that she is prego..apparently Pattinson slipped and said it on Oprah..but that is all I ever heard about idk if all 3 of us should trust that source..but ya never wouldn't surprise me....
    Oh..and look at that..majority wins..kara and smith does NOT have a nice ring to it...hehe

  6. Well I've now told one of my friends and soon majority will show that Kara and Smith does have a nice ring to it (btw am i allowed to txt you once and awhile?)


  7. Haha..I think that there is 3 people overall in this blog..oh well..and I would revote on dgro..but my computer is being stupid..
    And on the topic of the very time being I am alright with once and awhile..possibly........................

  8. Once and awhile possibly Ms. Kara? Did I actually get something sweet out of you haha jk. Well how about once a week?


  9. haha..are you telling me that I am normally mean?? haha...i dont want to set like times and stuff..more like when I am bored out of my mind and have nothing to do..or am being rebellious...hehe...

  10. Haha rebellious huh? How often does that happen? (btw can we take this conversation to chat?)


  11. haha..i think you know why..maybe..idk if Jewel read you that text..and how would we do that??? where is that at?

  12. Hi Kara!!! I love the conversation going on here. It's amusing.

  13. Thanks Jewel, were emailing now :)


  14. I am one of *smith's* fellow colleagues and i can safely say smith does not have a ring to it

  15. Hi Jessepe! I think I know who you are...and thank you!! See Smith...I told you it doesn't have a ring to it!! I don't think it does either...but he does..but it doesn't!!!
