Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stickin' It To the Man

And so begins the summer. Right after school let out I quickly realized that summer was going to be a long, boring affair that would consist of me getting up at six in the morning and playing either Red Dead Redemption or Alan Wake until my eyes bled. Of course I needed an alternative, out of that need so came DGRO. I figured if I don't want to waste my entire day playing video games, why not waste it by talking about them and the industry as a whole. To all three (probably less) people who are reading this let me tell you that if you don't like my sarcastic snarky tone and the way I see things then you can go to freakin gamespot where all they care about is pleasing the fanboys. Well, I'm not here to please fanboys, I'm here to please gamers.



  1. Hi again.. so i have a question..why are you going to get up at 6 all through out the summer? I have to get up early to take care of my dogs.. Today I woke up at 4:49..on the first day of summer!! ugh..
    But back on could have changed the language to Chinese and it would have made the same amount of sense to thats all I have to say for now.. And I know of most likely 3 people who are going to read this..

  2. Nice post dude too bad nobody cares....smith

  3. You have some issues if you wake up at 6 just to play VIDEO GAMES!! I mean I will admit some video games are awesome, but not awesome enough to wake up at 6!! Summers are made to SLEEP IN!!
    About the sarcastic remarks....well that's just you people are just going to have to get used to it like I have if they are going to read this blog..
    Nice post can't wait to read more about stuff I don't really understand very well!!

  4. just truly a piece of garbage..a piece of crap that can't be even considered a valid website... an absolute worthless piece of crap thats fanboy, disgusting, awful, worthless, bad, insulting, humiliating, and sorry to every body out there that can claim to be a gamer. I am truly sad to see this kind of garbage thats on the net these days...what has this world come to???

  5. It's come to fanboys like you trying to trash on a person's opinion


  6. i wouldnt touch this website with a 450 foot stick..or maybe i would but just to destroy it

  7. Well if you don't want to come here why does a fanboy like you keep coming back?


  8. no youre the fanboy youre the one thats trying to force everybody your opinion on everybody out there..youre the one with the blog trying to indoctrinate us with your "foolproof opinion of games." Youre the one trying to brainwash us with your fanboy humor and sense. I have never seen anything like it in all my life of gaming. It's just truly sad. If you want to talk to someone about a game,like me, you talk to them and get them to play it with you and see how they feel about it..your just shoving your opinion down the community's throats and we can do nothing to stop it

  9. Hey if you want to stop it, STOP COMING HERE. Plus I'm not telling anyone what they should think I'm telling everyone what I think. You're the one trying to force everyone into believing what you are saying, and that my friend, is why you are a hypocrite


  10. And I dont come back here more than once a day only to try to destroy this website so everyone can live peacefully in this world without people like you trying to destroy it using a typewriter

  11. When are you living my friend, gotta admit I'm pretty sure typewriters went out about 50 yrs. ago, and you've obviously been back about six or seven times considering all the comments you've made. And destroying something is essentially trying to force YOUR opinion down everyone's throat. SO LEAVE like you keep saying you want to because we at DGRO don't want you anyway


  12. i never said i want to i said i want to stay so i could try to wage full fledge war on this website and other website like this garbage out there, i want this to go down the drain and that is why i shall stay

  13. What has this great country come to, I never knew people were like this within our own borders

  14. Seriously... This is games we are talking about for all things, and anybody that cares that much about destroying this, about games for all things, needs to rethink things in life. It's not like we're talking about communism or anything haha

  15. Well, anonymous or Jorge or whoever you are, I would like you to know that I'm not really even a gamer. I just keep up with stuff like this to know what's going on. I don't look at someone's opinion of games and think, "God, now that is really good/bad" depending on they think. I like this blog because this guy is just trying to throw out his opinion for others to consider and maybe even read up on or play the game. He isn't trying to brainwash us, he just wants us to know his opinion so we can share ours. If you don't have something nice to say, why don't you just not say it?
    -From a different anonymous

  16. he doesnt want us to share ours he deleted my first few comments, isnt the purpose of a comment board so people can share their opinions??? Obviously not, smith is starting to show his true colors...

  17. Hes trying to control the flow of information by deleting anything that opposes him and his philosiphies, he wont let anything show from the opposite end of the spectrum.

  18. Which in a nutshell is called...brainwashing.

  19. Which in a nutshell is your comments are still up so your stupid theory makes no sense


  20. no you removed two of them before and now you knew youd get a lot of hate for that so now you dont and cant remove them

  21. youre just a big time lier

  22. I see all you comments Jorge. Why can't we just agree to disagree? If he did remove them it's probably because you were trashing his blog, not necessarily his opinions.
