Friday, June 11, 2010

E3 Blowout

Ok guys, the biggest week in gaming is upon us now. E3 starts Monday with the Microsoft press conference and I gotta say I think it's gonna be a great show this year. At this (very late) time I'm watching the E3 blowout episode of GTTV, and man are there some good games we've got lined up. Dead Space 2, Gears of War 3, Halo Reach, LBP 2, Infamous 2, Killzone 3, Fable 3, Force Unleashed 2, Devil's Third. KOTOR online and even more unannounced games. If I'm forgetting anything (which I'm sure I am) please tell me in the comments below. I thought I'd let you know that after each press conference (Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony) that I'll be providing a recap of what was showed and what I thought was awesome and not so awesome. Before you read those let me warn you I am not the biggest fan of motion controls haha. Maybe it's because I am a lazy bum, but anyway, I'm gonna be working hard to keep everyone updated. Now, as for the predictions. Let's face it, Nintendo has the most to win or lose this year. With Sony's Sonymote and Nunchu....I mean sub controller they can essentially say "Hey Nintendo fans, upgrade to HD!". Fits in with their whole, it only does everything slogan. Now that isn't a bad thing at all, Nintendo is too lazy to announce a Wii HD and Sony was smart and essentially beat them to the punch. Nintendo neeeeds a reason for their fans to keep playing their Wii. Even if they do show the new Zelda game, it can't support them forever. They need to show something mindblowing that will show Microsoft and Sony that they deserve to lead in sales and that they can't be beat when it comes to motion control. However, if they do as crappy a job this year as they did last year then that doesn't bode well for them. Also as a closing note, I have to point out my dark horse game for this E3, Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned. Just go look up Ign's article on this liscensed game that actually looks like an amazing action/RPG. Alright guys, sound off in the comments, and be sure to watch E3!



  1. ive NEVER in my entire life read anything as biased as this, all you talked about was how great microsoft and nintendo would do and you just went off against sony; truly sad the number of people like you nowadays, just truly,very sad...

  2. Wow I'm really disappointed in you smith; That really is disgusting, i don't think I'll ever come back here again either... So much for defending gamers rights online :(

  3. What was wrong with it?

  4. What the heck Jessepe? I didn't say a freaking thing that I haven't said before...


  5. As for Jorge, if anything I trashed Nintendo the most.


  6. what about new Vegas smith...i would have never thought you would have forgotten that one over everything else..

  7. Oh yeah thats true thx Jorge :)

