Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nintendo (WOW!)

My gosh, what a shocker. That press conference was absolutely incredible. It was better than Nintendo's past three conference combined. They showed soooo many awesome games. They also announced so many amazing looking games. Donkey Kong Country Returns, a Goldeneye 007 reboot (Yes the 7 year old kid in me just lit up), Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Metroid Other M, Kid Icarus for the 3DS. Speaking of the 3DS, I truly expected it to be some gimmicky machine with terrible 3D effects and stupid glasses. Turns out, NO GLASSES! I have no idea how they did it, but plenty of high profile developers attested that it worked. Hideo Kojima, Capcom with Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, and plenty of other developers have announced that they are developing games for the 3DS. It was absolutely ridiculous the amount of games they showed, and I haven't even talked about the biggest of them all, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. There were some control issues on stage, but all the gameplay they showed looked cool, and the one-to-one sword control, and nunchuck as shield are all great ideas. Overall Nintendo blew me away with everything they showed, and the 3DS seems to be one of the most innovative products to come out in awhile
Final Score=A+



  1. YAY NINTENDO!!! Does this mean I have to get yet ANOTHER ds?

  2. Yes but it has 3D without glasses and it actually seems WORTH IT this time.


  3. I HATE NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
