Thursday, June 10, 2010

The "Final" Fantasy? Yeah, right.

Most gamers believe that Duke Nukem: Forever is the most ironically named game ever. Considering the game was announced in 1996 and still hasn't come out, I agree it is very ironic. However, I think that the most ironically named is ever single Final Fantasy game that wasn't the first. I mean seriously, it is called FINAL fantasy, yet we have had thirteen (soon to be fourteen) games! I mean, isn't there a point where a franchise needs to quit? Not necessarily die, but quit, take a break, stop making games, etc. I mean we are getting to the point where there is no new I.P. COD is moving on too its seventh game, and Activision (evil jerks) have announced they want a new COD game every year. Halo is about to be on its fifth game, Metal Gear Solid is on five, and I don't even need to mention sports games. I mean heck, look at Nintendo! They survive off of not coming up with new I.P! They recycle Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Star Fox (although that franchise hasn't seen a release in a long time), and other franchises on a rotating schedule to survive. Now I don't begrudge Nintendo for this, as its games are usually phenomenal, but seriously when was the last time Nintendo game up with an original I.P? Pikmin or something? Now if a franchise can innovate with still retaining the core of itself with each new release than this isn't a problem, but I mean all thirteen final fantasy games (except eleven and twelve) have followed the same blueprint, with angst filled emoish characters who must save their world by engaging in turn based combat. I mean, I realize franchises are necessary for most companies, they make money off of established things that they know will sell. But it doesn't hurt to take a risk once and awhile. There becomes a point where the games industry will literally stagnate because of this. New ideas keep an industry evolving, and even if it isn't a new I.P, franchises can, like I said before, change things up a little bit every game while still preserving its core, instead of hitting that dreaded 1.5 that keeps us from moving forward.



  1. didnt agree with a word you said:)

  2. do you ever agree with a word he says?? i wasnt really paying attention while i was reading..but from what i did didnt make a bit of sense..haha

  3. *Surprise Surprise* ;)

  4. Yeah Kara I will need to teach you the language of gaming sometime :)


  5. i thought it made sense thank you.

  6. smith is hooking up with the ladies ooo playa playa
