Monday, June 14, 2010


Well Microsoft's press conference just wrapped up, and I'm am completely...indifferent. Nothing shown shocked or wowed me in any way. I mean it just listed no response from me. The coolest thing they showed was the Gears 3 demo, and they also unveiled a new mode, called Beast, but gave no details on the mode at all. The Reach demo was cool but short, Metal Gear Rising had a cool engine, and we got a new Fable 3 trailer, but in the end, none of it wowed me. After (what seemed to me) rushing through their game line up and announcing an exclusive game coming from Crytek, they moved on to all their Kinect stuff. I love the technology and potential that that little camera has, and all the dashboard and interface stuff they showed was all really cool, but the games just look...meh. It just looked like family games. The Star Wars thing was cool, and the new Forza stuff really impressed me, but besides that the rest just looked like it was trying to appease the casual market. That is their goal I guess though, they want Xbox to be the biggest gaming brand in the world. At the end though, they brought out the 360 slim, and that is what saved them. They finally included Wi-fi support, it has a 250 gb hardrive, and is going to be completely Kinect compatible. It also looks a good bit cooler too. In the end Microsoft pushed Natal to no end, and while that conference started out cool with all their exclusive games, the end result was a conference about Kinect. I have no doubt that Sony is going to do the same thing with Move, and like I said I like the technology behind both of them, but I'm not a fan of how they are using it.
Final Grade=C+



  1. Gosh. Sounds like a bust. How was last years?

  2. Last years was waaaaay better


  3. Yeah it sucked pretty badly

  4. SKITTLES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. MICROSOFT 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
