Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well Sony actually did impress me. The beginning of their press conference started with Killzone 3, which I gotta say looked awesome...even though it looked exactly like Killzone 2. Then they started talking, and talking, and talking, these guys easily talked the most of any of the big three. But then, Kevin Butler came out, and that was the turning point. After delivering a rousing speech on gaming itself, the conference picked up, with Dead Space 2 and Medal of Honor getting shown, both of which have exclusive content for the PS3 version. They showed off Infamous 2 (dang I do not like that new design for Cole) LBP2, and unveiled Twisted Metal, which looked like a blast to play. They also, like I predicted, pushed Move to the fullest, and showed off the incredibly generic looking Sorcery. However, Socom 4 looked pretty good, but the Tiger Woods stuff just looked like the Wii version. As with Kinect, I love the technology behind these, but can they grasp it like Nintendo has and move it past being an HD Wii? I don't know, but I hope they can. They also pushed 3D to no end, with the words 3D being said at least a hundred times, and truth be told it did get annoying with them acting like they owned 3D, when both the 360 and 3DS can push 3D too. One of the biggest disappointments for me at least was that they showed nothing of The Last Guardian, it wasn't at the show at all. After playing Shadow of the Colossus, I really want to see Team Ico's next project. Overall, Sony had an average showing, and the exclusive content from EA and the announcement that Portal 2 was coming to the Ps3 didn't hurt.
Final Score=B+
